How To Make Your Hair Naturally Curly Permanently Without Heat

Hayley Scott Written by Hayley Scott
Published on Dec 04, 2023 Hair
How To Make Your Hair Naturally Curly Permanently Without Heat

Are you tired of using heat styling tools to get curly hair only to end up with dry, damaged locks? Well, you're in luck because there are natural ways to get permanent curls without any heat! Whether you have naturally straight hair or wavy locks that need a little extra definition, there are simple techniques you can use to achieve gorgeous curls that last. Not only are these methods healthier for your hair, but they're also more sustainable and budget-friendly. From using styling products to overnight techniques, we've got you covered with the best tips and tricks for how to make your hair naturally curly permanently.

How To Make Your Hair Naturally Curly Permanently

So put down the flat iron, and let's dive into how you can embrace your natural curls and achieve a stunning, permanent curl pattern without any heat!

T-Shirt Method

T-Shirt Method

If you are someone who has a lot of tees, let me tell you a useful way you can utilize them even after you are done with them. After washing your hair, blot your hair until subtly dry then cut your old t-shirt into strips (long ones), measure from neck to the hem. A great tip is try to keep the strip as thin as possible because thinner strips help you achieve tighter and long-lasting curls without heat. Now, to start the curling process, start with the smallest sections of the hair then roll the strip upwards to your scalp and roll inwards if you want your curls to turn towards the neck. Lastly, tie the bottom of the strip so that your curls can hold for longer and stay in their place without ruining the style, now repeat it until desired results and don’t remove the strip until you feel your hair all dried ta-da you end up with gorgeous curls.

Headband Method

Headband Method

Headband method will be too easy for you if you understand the t-shirt method, as it’s almost similar to the above method. For this method you first have to wear a headband just like you do everyday, then take a handful of sections of your hair and wrap around your headband until all the strands are secured in your headband. If any hair strands at the bottom couldn’t get into the headband then you can use pins to secure those in a twist way to achieve curls and after that let the hair dry completely and take the perfect curl shape. After your hair is completely dried remove the pins and headband gently without ruining the curl shape and flaunt the natural curls like never before.

Twist Method

Twist Method

This one is the most fun and trendy method of all, just like you do double buns of space buns you first have to middle part your hair and then take the one side of the hair and twist and curl them properly then now on the other side you have to do the same and secure both of the twisted and curled hair in a clip that can actually hold, secure, and keep them as it is. After that wait for 15-20 minutes if you are in a hurry, but if you have plenty of time keep them until the hair is completely dried to achieve the best curls possible.


These methods are great if you are tired of using heat tools and hairstyling tools on your hair, they may give us perfect hair flips and bouncy blow dry but in the end they damage our hair for which we have to take a lot of care of. So, here are some great options for how to make your hair naturally curly permanently (or at least for weeks). Try these out and check which method works best for your hair texture and say goodbye to hair damaging tools one and for all!

UP NEXT:  Best Haircare Products For Maintaining Your Curly Hairstyle

Hayley Scott
Hayley Scott
Unlock the secrets of beautiful hair with Hayley Scott, a trusted hair expert. Get valuable tips and advice for healthy, gorgeous locks. Explore her articles for styling inspiration and product recommendations. Let Hayley guide you to hair success.