9 Renowned Celebrities Who Died From Depression

Caden Wilde Written by Caden Wilde
Published on Aug 18, 2023 Celebrities
9 Renowned Celebrities Who Died From Depression

We idolize the lives of celebrities because of the fame they get and the millions they earn. However, we overlook the fact that money and fame can never buy peace and happiness. Many well-known celebrities died tragically because of the Depression which should never have happened in the first place as they had popularity and fortune.

The heartbreaking demise of celebrities shows that all privileges come with a cost. Some ended up on drugs, some of them committed suicide to hide their sufferings, and some of them were going through psychological disorders. This has made me question the power of media that is making people vulnerable to serious problems which were never seen before.

Top Celebrities Who Died From Depression

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway was an extremely talented American author and journalist. it was found that he shot himself to death with a shotgun that was his favorite. The wife of Ernest named Mary denied Ernest's attempt at suicide and claimed that while he was cleaning his gun, the trigger was pulled accidentally. However, in an interview that was conducted five years later, she accepted that his husband committed suicide. 

Robin Williams

Robin Williams

Who would have thought that an amazing comedian and an Academy Award winner for performing spectacularly in the film Good Will Hunting will die from depression? Robin Willilams was recognized for his excellent sense of humor that would drive people into fits of laughter. Besides this, he was known for performing in films including Mrs. Doubtfire, Jumanji, and The Club of the Dead Poets. The serious depression suffocated him to death on August 2014.

Mindy McCready

Mindy McCready

Undoubtedly Mindy McCready was an amazing singer and her beauty couldn’t be defined in words. However, her life was full of complications. She was struggling with serious mental health issues so she was sent to a mental institution in 2005 and 2008. She was only 37 years old when she committed suicide on the porch of her house. She died at the same place where her father and ex-boyfriend lost their lives. 

Charles Boyer

Charles Boyer

Charles Boyer was one of France's most well-known celebrities. His whole family fell apart when his wife died of cancer. Neither the actor’s son nor he could overcome the death of his wife. The son committed suicide after his mother's death followed by the suicide of his father a year later. 

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe

No one could have gained as much fame as Marilyn Monroe had gained and she was also one of the best actresses in history. There was no clue found to get to the actual reason for her death. However, it was believed that she died because of the excessive use of depressant drugs known as barbiturates.

Lucy Gordon

Lucy Gordon

Lucy Gordon was a famous British model and actress who rose to fame after playing roles in films like Serendipity and Spider-Man 3. She was only 28 years old when she was found dead in her apartment having committed herself by hanging herself. Before committing suicide, she left two letters in which she listed her last wishes.  

Ruslana Korshunova

Ruslana Korshunova

Ruslana Korshunova was a rising star in the Russian fashion industry. She was only 20 years old when she killed herself by willingly jumping from the balcony of the fifth floor of her apartment. Cops made it clear that she was not tortured to death as no evidence of physical conflict was found.

Virginia Woolf 

Virginia Woolf 

Virginia Woolf was not only a well-known English writer but also gained fame for her progressive views on gender equality. Unfortunately, she was also diagnosed with bipolar illness and she was admitted to psychiatric hospitals numerous times because of her deteriorated mental health condition. After her long battle with Bipolar Disorder, she jumped into the river Ouse. It was found that she stuffed the pockets of her overcoat with stones so that she can keep herself from keeping himself from going afloat.

Alexander McQueen

Alexander McQueen

In February 2010 and at the age of 40, Alexander McQueen who was a famous British fashion designer took his own life. He did it exactly nine days after his mother's demise who was suffering from cancer and died at the age of 75. McQueen got high on a lethal combination of cocaine, sleeping pills, and tranquilizers in his suicide attempt.


The tragic deaths of these famous people have made it clear that sadness is no respecter of either celebrity or success. Their experiences showed that they needed someone in their lives who would know about their mental health without judging them. They needed that someone who would treat them and encourage them to live a life filled with joy. Their struggles must be remembered to educate the public about the significance of mental health in every aspect of life.

Caden Wilde
Caden Wilde
Stay up-to-date on the latest celebrity fashion and beauty trends with Caden Wilde, a renowned celebrity writer who uncovers the hottest looks and trending topics.