How Long Do You Leave Bleach In Your Hair? A Complete Guide

Hayley Scott Written by Hayley Scott
Published on Nov 09, 2023 Hair
How Long Do You Leave Bleach In Your Hair? A Complete Guide

Just like your skin, you need to take the thought of “how long do you leave bleach in your hair?” serious. Because it is understood, that as much as you can get creative and freshen up your look with bleach, it can equally spoil your hair if not used right. So, whether you are going to lighten your hair or darken it is equally important to focus on the time to get the desired result without damaging your hair health or desired outcome. 

If you are a beginner then you must know that excess use of bleach can completely destroy your hair and it will make them look lifeless and dull. Many people complain after bleach application as they begin to notice hair fall, frizz, and damaged hair strands. The most taking-serious thing about bleach and also the obvious one for getting the expected hair dye. So, do you want an answer to your constant thought of “how long do you leave bleach in your hair?” then, keep scrolling for the best advice.

How Long Do You Leave Bleach In Your Hair

When you are figuring out this answer, there are a lot of factors to consider before deciding the bleaching time. The most important factors to consider before figuring out the bleach time are your hair texture, hair type, hair color, hair thickness, and what else? The Bleach you will use, of course.

How Long Do You Leave Bleach In Your Hair

After considering these factors, now you can look deep into the timings. So, it is said that mostly it is applied for around minimum 15 minutes and maximum 30 minutes for almost all hair types and textures. It totally depends on your hair type so when you figure out which hair type you have you also know how long do you leave bleach in your hair. Mostly it is noticed that the bleach applied for lightening takes 10 or 15 minutes for fine, straight or frizz-free texture, while for the curly and wavy textures and dark hairs it takes about 30 minutes at least to do its work.

How Long Do You Leave Bleach In Your Hair

If you are still unaware about how long to keep bleach in your hair, then I would suggest you do a strand test. Do you know what a strand test is? Good, go and check it out now. And no worries if you don't, let me explain to you real quick. First, make a bleach mixture and apply it to a thick hair strand at the end and one strand from the underside. Then, apply bleach to both the parts for 10 to 15 minutes. Lastly, check out the result and figure out if you got the desired results then this is the exact duration you should use for bleach application and if you don’t then try again. 

Final Thoughts

Bleaching your hair can be a great way to transform your look, but it's important to approach the process with care and caution. By following the guidelines outlined in this complete guide, you can safely and effectively bleach your hair to achieve the desired results. Remember to always prioritize hair health and seek professional help if needed.

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Hayley Scott
Hayley Scott
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